10 October Kathmandu .Today is international solidarity day with Cypriot people .The union of Cypriots is celebrating 10 October as International Solidarity Day with the Cypriot People, and invite anti-imperialists worldwide to join or initiate solidarity action for Cyprus .Today is the 50th anniversary of NATO planned Turkish invasion of Cyprus in this context the Union of Cyprus adds to the complete liberation of Cyprus from imperialist occupation and setter colonialism .Union of Cyprus rejects the false narrative of divided island Cyprus and so called reunification under imperialist conditions and demands complete liberation of Cyprus. on the occasion of 50th anniversary of NATO planned Turkish invasion of Cyprus the Union of Cypriot is published a statement . In this statement they demanded the liberation of Cyprus, Free West Asia and North Africa, Defeat Imperialism of all over the world. The statement of the Union of Cypriot is given below .
– In light of our statement on the 50th anniversary of the NATO-planned Turkish invasion of Cyprus, the Union of Cypriots reaffirms its commitment to the complete liberation of Cyprus from imperialist occupation and settler colonialism. For five decades, the occupation has been oppressing Turkish-speaking Cypriots and continues to deny Greek-speaking Cypriots their right to return to their homes.
NATO powers continue to treat the island as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, dictating apartheid-like arrangements such as the “bicommunal bizonal federation” or the “two-state” solutions to facilitate war crimes, most recently using Cyprus to support “Israel’s ” actions in Palestine and as a base for bombing Yemen, all enabled by the status quo they created.
We reject the false narrative of Cyprus as a ‘divided island’ and underscore the reality that Cyprus is occupied. Therefore, the solution is not a so-called “reunification” under imperialist conditions, but the complete liberation of Cyprus.
On 10 October 1964, the Non-Aligned Movement adopted a declaration affirming the sovereignty, unity, and independence of the Republic of Cyprus in response to Turkey’s early actions against the Cypriot people, a position later referenced and supported by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2077 (XX) in 1965.
As the Union of Cypriots, we therefore celebrate 10 October as International Solidarity Day with the Cypriot People, and invite anti-imperialists worldwide to join or initiate solidarity actions for Cyprus. We call on progressives to stand for the territorial and social integrity of the unitary Republic of Cyprus, support the national and class unity of Cypriots, resist imperialist occupation, and advance the broader struggle for a free West Asia and North Africa.
Liberate Cyprus, Free West Asia and North Africa, Defeat Imperialism!
10 October marks the anniversary of the anti-imperialist Declaration adopted at the 2nd Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Cairo in 1964, which called upon states to respect the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus after Turkey’s early actions against the Republic of Cyprus. Parts of the Declaration regarding Cyprus, which are also referenced by United Nations resolutions, state:
“Concerned by the situation existing with regard to Cyprus, the Conference calls upon all states in conformity with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular under Article 2, paragraph 4, to respect the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus and to refrain from any threat or use of force or intervention directed against Cyprus and from any efforts to impose upon Cyprus unjust solutions unacceptable to the people of Cyprus.
Cyprus, as an equal member of the United Nations, is entitled to and should enjoy unrestricted and unfettered sovereignty and independence, and allowing its people to determine freely, and without any foreign intervention or interference, the political future of the country, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.”
And The declaration of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR) supporting the Union of Cypriots’ call for the observance of October 10 as International Solidarity Day with the Cypriot People. ICOR had made the declaration in26september 2024 in the context of 50 year of Turkish Invasion and freedom for Cyprus. The declaration of ICOR is given below .
ICOR declaration
Freedom for Cyprus – 50 years of Turkish invasion
On 20 July 1974, the Turkish army invaded Cyprus, which had only freed itself from British colonialism in 1960. Since then, five NATO members have maintained military bases on Cyprus: Turkey, Great Britain, Greece, the USA and France. They justify this with the alleged patronage of the negotiations for a federal two-zone-state, the so-called bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution (BBF – bi-zonal, bi-communal federation) which aims to turn Cyprus into an apartheid state. Turkish- and Greek-speaking Cypriots would then be ethnically separated.
Due to Cyprus’ strategic location, these bases play a key role in the implementation of NATO’s imperialist policy in the Near East, Middle East and Africa. Currently, the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people is being supported and Yemen is being bombed from there.
The militant forces on Cyprus, on the other hand, reject any division of the island on the basis of ethnic origin and demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops.
At a time when a third, possibly nuclear world war is threatening, the liberation of Cyprus and the closure of these military bases can only be achieved by a worldwide anti-imperialist movement.
The ICOR supports this demand and the call by the ICOR member Union of Cypriots to protest worldwide in front of Turkish embassies on 10 October, the anniversary of the declaration adopted at the 2nd Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1964, which condemned Turkey’s former actions against the Cypriot Republic and called for support for the territorial unity of Cyprus.
Freedom for the Cypriot people!
Strengthen the anti-imperialist struggle for the right to self-determination of the peoples and the transnational union of revolutionaries!